- Superficie: 17 098 000km²
- Population: 143.5 millions d’habitants
- Classement Transparency: 127/174
Nous avons une expérience prouvée dans plus de cinquante pays.
Notamment dans des pays sensibles, où l’obtention de données sur les entreprises est très complexe. Pays des Proche et Moyen-Orients, Afrique et Asie Centrale par exemple.
L’Expérience Due Diligence: Russia

The Trade Register is actually known as the State Registration Chamber. This institution falls under the regulations of the Ministry of Justice in Russia. The Trade Register or State Registration Chamber deals with company registration in Russia. Russian companies have a State Register Number (ОГРН) and a Tax Registration number (ИНН) .The Russian Trade Register is not accessible to the public, but the State Registration Chamber is obliged under the law to issue requested copies of documents and provide details on the papers in the database