Mitigate risks, capture opportunities
Prior to any project, it is essential to assess risks and opportunities.
This process should not be limited to analytical accounting.
It is necessary to conduct an extra-financial study. Indeed, prior to extending operations beyond national boundaries or to import and export, is essential to learn about opportunities and risks of the target.
A full risks assessment is a prerequisite on logistical facilities, country risk, local market, political stability, taxation, management, legal environment, transparency, corruption risks, ultimate beneficial owners …
During the acquisition of a company or the realization of a local partnership it is essential to be compliant with your regulator, as well as to your clients regulators, or even with third-parties regulators. For example, any transaction using US dollars is entitled to the US laws and regulations.
Recruitment is also a strategic point which needs a comprehensive risk assessment. The recruitment procedure is risky for company. Due diligence on a candidate can mitigate risks, especially if the candidate must occupies a key position.