Past: Account
- Financial accounts
- A payment history
- A history of litigation
- Past performance of investment
- Diplomas, certificates, approvals …
Applied Business Intelligence (ABI) is specialized in all kind of risks management. The due diligence tool allows a wide range of control and validation, from finance to management, reputation and health and hygiene practices.
We assist and support corporations and financial institutions throughout the world providing them quality due diligence helping them to take the right decisions.
We believe that mastering risk shall not be a center of costs, but can be an excellent leverage for your development if taken in the angle of a risk/opportunity scheme.
At ABI, we do not deliver a simple report for a dusty compliance cupboard, but we truly partner with our clients, some being faithfull to us since more than a decade, in assisting and advising them in the different aspects of their international development and relations with their third-parties.
We do not see a “complex” environment as a no-go zone, but rather as a challenge to master, with wisdom, perseverance and method. We also believe that the historically low tide generated by the COVID-19 crisis will only allow those well prepared to remain alive.
The due diligence is a validation of both the past, present as well as future developments of your partner.
Intelligence Transactions